Riding The BUS
Riding The BUS
14. Baseball Specific Strength & Conditioning ft. Nate Hemphill (PSP3)
Is starting in the weight room as young as 10 years old a bad thing? Is simply gaining strength the main purpose of the weight room? Why is movement so important to physical health? How is ankle mobility the key to creating force? What are the things you can do to improve strength, decrease unnecessary tension, and improve your mobility?
We are so pumped to bring you Episode 14. Baseball Specific Strength and Conditioning ft. Nate Hemphill, founder/owner of PSP3. PSP3 trains athletes of all ages - from 10 year olds stepping into the weight room for the first time to Major League Baseball Players. Nate started out as a baseball strength coach at the collegiate and professional level before following his passion to bring much needed strength and conditioning expertise to the youth/amateur ages.
This fact is simple (but not easy) - your physicality, athleticism, and ability to stay healthy will impact how far you make it in the game of baseball more than just about anything else. If you want to play college baseball, you need to listen to this episode. Tap play, take a listen, and make sure you’re ready to take notes because this episode is absolutely essential for any baseball player who wants to maximize his ability.